Why We Value Professional Board Certification

The growth and development of our University Medical Center Registered Nurses is a high priority. There is a growing body of nursing research and clinical evidence that supports high RN professional board certification rates correlating with better patient care outcomes. Achieving national certifications in one’s nursing specialty increases professional pride and competency!

At UVA University Medical Center, we encourage our nurses to pursue certification in their specialty. Professional board certification ensures that we provide the safest possible care for our patients. Certification is currently a requirement for Clinician 3 and Clinician 4 roles. 

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Professional Board Certification Goal for UVA University Medical Center

The NPGO Professional Development Committee and Nursing Cabinet provide oversight and decision-making for our certification goal for UVA Nurses. In reviewing the data and growing workforce, the committees approved a 2-year goal to achieve a rate of 44.71% certified nurses in FY23-FY24 for the organization. Goal setting at the department-level will help us achieve our collective goal.

*Certification rate as of January 2024